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value. quality care. convenience.

Information for doctors

Dr Rob Nickels specialises in the care of people with chronic and acute respiratory conditions including ; asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asbestos related lung

conditions, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis,

pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis and lung cancer .



Referral process

To make a referral for a specialist consultation with Dr Rob Nickels, contact us either by phone or email us to arrange an appointment.



Making a referral for a lung function test at the Ramsay Health laboratory is easy;

1. Complete a Referral Form by clicking on the link below. Referral pads are also available from the John Flynn Respiratory Centre on request.


Feedback after the consultation

Dr Rob Nickels always sends a letter of correspondence to the referring medical practitioner after his specialist consultation and organises for any further tests required.


Lung Function Tests are collated by our Respiratory Scientist and reported by Dr Rob Nickels or the referring Respiratory Physician. Lung Function Test reports are sent to the referring medical practitioner at the completion of the service.

Please contact us if you have any further enquiries.

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